Values of Liberty

The Things That Really Matter To Us
  • We are loved by God

  • We Love the Lord

  • We Love Our Neighbors

  • We Love One Another

  • We Love Playing Our part in what God is Doing in the World

We have expressed the Values of Liberty in terms of five loves.

These are the things that we believe should really matter to Jesus’s church; the things we should love.

We Are Loved by God

God is love. He loves us and we treasure that fact. He has proved the measure of his love for us through Jesus’s incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession and His promised return.

This great story of what God has done for us in Jesus, this good news or “Gospel”, is the lens through which we see and understand ourselves, the world and everything in it. It is the entry point for our relationship with God and our lives are constantly being transformed from the inside out through it. All our hope is in Jesus. We are loved by God.

We Love The Lord

In light of God’s great love for us and in response to it we want to be able to say that we love the Lord with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our strength and with all our mind. Jesus said that this was the most important thing we can do. Everything we
do can and should flow from our Love for the Lord.

We Love Our Neighbors

Jesus calls us, as his followers, to reflect His love in tangible ways to the people around us. The love of God compels us to reach out and help the poor, the oppressed, the vulnerable, and the broken. Followers of Jesus don’t just love those who will love them in return. They should love everyone, even their enemies, because that’s what Jesus did.

We Love One Another

Jesus commands his followers to love one another in the same way that he has loved them. His desire is that the distinctive and unparalleled degree to which we love one another will be the way that the world can identify us as His followers. This supernatural counterculture of love, his church, can only be formed through His work in our lives and, as such, has as its only explanation that Jesus is indeed Lord. We should be known for our love. This is the church He wants and the church we want to be.

We Love Playing Our Part in What God is Doing in the World

God is still at work in the world. Jesus sent out his followers to continue the mission He started: To make disciples, proclaim the good news and demonstrate the Kingdom of God. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and each given different gifts to enable them to do that, to communally express the fullness of who Jesus is to the world. We believe that every follower of Jesus is mandated to be a Spirit-filled minister and missionary and to fulfil their unique God-designed role in his continuing mission to unite all things in Christ.

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