Introducing the Worship Blog

 In Worship Blog

So we’ve decided to create a blog for the worship team at Liberty!

In the coming weeks you can expect to see posts here introducing new songs that we’ll be playing at Liberty alongside devotionals and thoughts on worship from the members of Liberty’s worship team.

This is a bit on an experiment but we hope that over time this blog will become a place of inspiration for you as a worshiper of God.

Check back regularly to keep up to dat with what’s happening worship wise at Liberty


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  • Alton Dicken


    I just wanted to know whether there will be a link on the Liberty webpage that will play the worship songs of that Sunday.

    • Rob

      Hi Alton,
      No plans for that at the moment but you never know, maybe in the future

  • Adrienne Mc Kevitt

    Hi just wanted to know the New song we sang today,,the name of it and who sings it ?

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