Fields Of Life Choir
Fields of Life Concert was Amazing.
The children’s choir are from three different parts of Uganda.
The energy from these kids were amazing.
The smiles and joy that emanates from them is contagious and life giving.
The love of God that flows from their experience was tangible in the atmosphere of Liberty.
One song that the choir sang was called ‘God will take care of you’ brought hope to many people in their circumstances, the choir sang from experience not just singing songs.
The song Majesty will never be the same. The words empty handed but alive in your hands, is power filled when sung by people who are empty handed according to the wealth of this but alive and rich in the hands of God. Wow
Nathan Jess, Ambassador for Fields of Life was powerful, check him out on You Tube.
This was an incredible honour for Liberty to host these two concerts. Fields of Life educate 45,000 kids in their 103 schools across Africa. I thank The Lord for the leaders, teachers, volunteers and sponsors of this Kingdom Enterprise.