Great Big Giveaway

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The Great Big Giveaway - The community helping the community


Last year the Great Big Giveaway gave away a staggering 440 food hampers! This year Liberty Community church aims to do the same and more. We are in a climate now where every little helps.
One woman shared with me her extreme gratefulness and thanks for the Great Big Giveaway, explaining to me that she has 3 children who, like all children are expecting to have the special things at Christmas, she tells me that last year there was not going to be a Christmas in their house. She had been employed in her Husbands business for many years but when the economy downturned they were left with no business and a major mortgage. A beautiful house, but no food in the fridge. When she heard about a Church that gives away hampers, she wondered
to herself was it a rumour, what was the catch!? There is no catch, Liberty Church are the hands and feet of Jesus.
She said she felt as if she was looking for a handout, I softly told her that this Great Big Giveaway was more of a hand up! Our televisions are bombarded with adverts and the buzz of lights and all that goes with this festive season. On December 19th Liberty Community Church will open its doors and reach out
to people. You can help by donating food items or cash. Or maybe you want to help by offering your time! Lets come together and show the world what the economy of God looks like and be a blessing to this great city.

This great blessing to Dublin is nearly upon us, the team have been wrapping boxes all last week, now getting together all the goods to fill the boxes. So, to all those who said that they would give goods or cash can you drop it down to Liberty this week. Thank you very much.

If you are able to help prepare the boxes please send us an email at: or send us a message on Facebook.

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Showing 3 comments
  • Maureen Doran

    Hi Guys, Hope to be able to help out on the day as always. Sorry cannot wrap boxes this year.

  • Pastor Frank Copeland

    Hi! Really blessed to see your posting on Facebook. We are doing a similar outreach here in Kilkenny – on a much smaller scale as we are quite a small church. Would love to glean from you and hear how you started out, developed and identify needy families. I would really appreciate hearing back from you as soon as you have a chance. Continued blessings! Pastor Frank Copeland (086)1644039

  • Michelle tyrrell

    Hi im just wondering what date use are giving the hampers out

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The Great Big Giveaway - The community helping the community