The Great Big Giveaway – City Review

Being part of our annual Christmas GBGA, left me feeling deeply humbled and rocked with love and passion towards the lost. To witness such a huge need in people’s lives was overwhelming, but to witness over 300 people queuing for food hampers showed me the need in our community is much greater.

I got to engage with some local people that were queuing as early as 5.30 in the morning and to hear their stories of struggles of hopelessness, sickness and financial burdens sadden me but I was also struck by the local people’s sense of humour and wit even though they were going through difficult times.  One of the local girls also preformed a song in the main room of the GBGA creating an atmosphere of joy and laughter in the house and a sense of community spirit….(mind blowing)

Another highlight over 15 people came to know Jesus on the day, people willingly asked for prayer for sickness and other ailments as our dedicate team of Liberty workers attend to each person’s need.
Another highlight a Group of Ladies from Cadbury’s who caught the vision of the GBGA and have willingly devoted their time and talents into helping towards these food hampers. (They don’t attend Liberty church but were moved by compassion when they heard of this great cause).

Through the lead up to the GBGA the resources looked bleak and I felt challenged in my faith as a Leader. Through this challenge I began to ask God to increase my faith and I began to declare the impossible.  The impossible happened and Liberty Church delivered over 1100 Christmas Food Hampers.
The heart of my Father showed me how much more he cares for the broken, the downcast, the poor; which made me more aware of His Presence and that I and the team at Liberty are carriers of Living water, a place where Heaven touches earth and true Love explodes in miraculous ways.

– Louise Cassidy

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