Freedom Reigns

 In Worship Blog

Hi All,

Those of you who were with us last Sunday will remember Janette’s word for the men of the church at the end of the service. We thought we’d put it up here in case you’d like to dwell on it again.


I was Listening to the song Freedom reigns and I felt an impression on my heart. In an instant I knew God wanted to communicate something to me. I got my notebook and pen and began to write what I seen and felt. God spoke and said “Some men are wounded emotionally. Some men sick in body. Some men are struggling in their marriage. Some men are struggling in the area of depression and suffering in silence. Some are consumed with fear of failure. Some men are worried over finances. Some struggling with many addictions”

I got a picture of the Women of Liberty with outstretched arms, singing and declaring freedom over our men, standing in the gap, upholding them-God would say “sing women of Liberty, sing songs of victory over my soldiers.” Freedom reigns in and over the men of Liberty. Freedom is your portion. God is pouring out Freedom: Freedom in marriages; Freedom from insecurities; Freedom from feeling inadequate; Freedom from fear; Freedom from shame; Freedom from impurity.

Some are in the school of training, being prepared and equipped for the position and place God has for them in the kingdom of God. Some have moved away from Grace and relationship with God and have become works focused. Some are consumed with feelings of guilt and condemnation, not really receiving the wonderful gift of grace and forgiveness that I Jesus gives. – Some are addicted to seeking approval from man, failing to believe that they are completely accepted by God. Some feel that they are failures as husbands, fathers, sons, brothers. Some are lonely, empty, hurting, feeling God is for everybody else but does not really care about them. Some are considering walking away and returning back to the old life style.

God would say to you “No No No”. No more slavery, no more slavery, no more. Today the Spirit Of God is outpouring freedom. Freedom in abundance.

“Men of Liberty, today I am working in you, I am for you and not against you. Men of Liberty you will no longer be subjected to the feelings of feeling inadequate for I have already qualified you because of blood.” God says that “I am raising You up to be men of strength, men of great character, men of great reputation, men of righteous living, soldiers in the army of God. Raising up men that will die to themselves and live for me.” God sees all your struggles-God sees it all. Men of Liberty, you will be like great big pillars outside a great big city, standing tall, standing firm. When storms come or temptation come, you will not be moved nor shaken. “Men of Liberty, the enemy has tried to take you out-has bombarded your minds with all types of vicious lies- Men of Liberty today I the Lord say “No More” – freedom reigns over you today and forevermore. Today I call you son, today I am your Father. Men of Liberty position yourselves, I am gathering You, I am calling you to Rise up. In me there is freedom and only in me will you find true freedom. Today I have set you free. Walk in the freedom I have given You. Today put your hand to the plough and never look back. Freedom reigns over your life. Rejoice o men rejoice.” Men of Liberty ,now it is God who makes you stand firm in Christ, He has anointed you, He has set His seal of ownership on You and put in your hearts the Holy Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. to the glory of God.


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  • nikkii

    hey janette great stuff im comin home see you sunday xxxxx

  • marion dutton

    Powerful words…Amen!!…

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