All night prayer – review

 In Blog

Our first night of prayer was truly electric, we were blest by the Presence of God.I look forward to this year with great expectations as a result of this month of prayer and fasting, the bible says that the Lord rewards those who seek Him.

The all night prayer meeting began with a prophetic act of Welcome to the Lord Jesus, then we spoke about the Holy Spirit and His Gifts and prayed for a expression amongst us of the gifts. The Lord answered our prayers.

Then Peter led us into a time of prayer and declarations regarding hindrances inour lives, families, situations etc. His illustration was taking from the book of Joshua regarding the fall of Jericho, we will see the fruit of this throughout the coming year.

Rob, led an hour of giving praise and thanks to the Lord for his work in our lives.The result was that each person (60 or more) shared the reality of God at work. This time was so inspiring and encouraging, each person gave a piece of themselves, honesty, gratitude and God honoring was the essence of this time.

Sharon, led us into time of removing stones, breaking negatives vows, allowing time forministry, which was amazing.

Louise, prayed about the over flow of God in our lives and into the lives of our families.Then a word was giving by Vicky Gregory regarding taking gifts from the lord that is ours, a big box wrapped like a present was placed on a chair and each person who wanted too came and picked it up believing for their gifts.

Eddie finished the night, reminding us that it’s all about the Grace of God, many scriptures were read by people and time was given for Eddie and others to comment on the scriptures. The night ended with us collectively speaking as the Prophet Zechariahtold us to speak Grace, Grace to the mountains of opposition.

This was an incredible time for us as a Church, everyone who came was blessed, encouraged and inspired. I encourage to make sure that you are part of this time, next Tuesday and Wednesday evening we are in Bray, not to be missed.

Every Blessing


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