Bible Reading Tips

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Following on from last week’s sermon here is the information that I said I would post on how to read the Bible. There is a lot of information and advice on the web about reading the Bible; some of it good and some of it not so good, but I found this advice via to be pretty sound.
During the week Simon Mc Govern emailed me the following advice that could certainly be worth a try if you’ve read the Bible in the past and are finding it difficult to get started again or to maintain the habit:

  • Try a new Bible translation
  • Try add your reading to an existing habit (eg.. brushing teeth, eating breakfast etc)
  • Read with an audio book, use a pen & paper to take notes/ doodle-it will help you to remember
  • Read it like a novel, follow the story lines & timelines
  • Pick a book and try to find where it applies to your life now

Also, as I mentioned on Sunday, Noel delivered a message called “The Bible Unwrapped” which is full of good advice and can be listened to by clicking here.
Happy Bible reading

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