Community Bible Experience

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Community Bible Experience, combines three totally different approaches to reading the Bible that powerfully work together to transform lives.

Reading Big — Participants read the entire New Testament in 8 weeks, simply by reading about 10 pages per day, 5 days a week. The Books of the Bible (Available to buy after Sunday Services) is formatted without chapters or verses to enable easy reading of larger passages in a single sitting. And reading big enables a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the story of His Word. Participants can also sign up to receive a free daily email containing both a text and audio version of each day’s reading. (click here to sign up for the free emails).

Reading in ContextThe Books of the Bible has re-ordered and re-combined many sections of the Bible back to the way it was originally written. This re-ordering allows the participants to experience the Bible in its historical context. By understanding the times and circumstances in which the Bible was written, participants begin to feel the real power of the God’s Word like never before.

Reading Together — We are running the Community Bible exchange at Liberty through our Link Groups. (click here to find out more about link groups and how to get involved). Participants read the same passages, at the same time, and come together in community to discuss their thoughts, observations and ‘aha’ moments. As group members engage with the Scriptures they add deeper meaning and understanding for the entire group. Together, they grow closer to God, and to each other.

Eight weeks. About ten pages a day.
A group of fellow travelers.
Community Bible Experience is a journey into God’s Story so you can live a new story.

We’ve set up a facebook page for you to share your comments, questions and thoughts. Please like the page, join the experience and add your voice to the conversation.

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  • Nicholas Matemba

    Tallaght link group is gooood, they just love the word of god. Amen

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