Noel Kenny Nominated as the Best Preacher in Ireland

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Noel Kenny, Senior leader here at Liberty, has been nominated as the best preacher in Ireland! Noel appeared yesterday on the John Murray Show on RTE Radio 1 where he had the opportunity to share a bit about what God has done in his life and delivered a 60-second sermon live on air. We’re all very proud of Noel here at Liberty. You can listen to what Noel had to say in RTE’s podcast of the show by following the link below. If you want to hear more from Noel, we have hundreds of his sermons available on our Podcast.

The John Murray Show – Best Preachers in Ireland

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  • Louise Cassidy

    Just listened to the podcast of our Pastor Noel on the radio – Noel what a message to the nation of hope well done I know i speak for many in Liberty you are a man of honor and integrity who loves the heart of God and we love the passion you distributed of Gods word.


    Praise The LORD for Noel Kenny!! Noel you are on fire for The LORD. I love to listen to you in the Upper Rooms in Bray and The LORD often leads me to your podcasts to speak to me. You pull no punches when your talking about JESUS and you bless us all with hope. And best of all you keep it real :):) . May God continue to bless you and yours and fill your life with those who need to hear the truth. Well done.

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