One Day at a Time: Love in Action in Lesotho – Liberty Conversations – Ep003

 In Liberty Conversations

In this episode of Liberty Conversations, we join Chris and Sheila Dillon, and Ntate Brown in Lesotho, Southern Africa where they lead a project called One Day, creating loving, safe, family homes for orphaned and vulnerable children. 

These guys believe in responding the the voice of God, rolling up your sleeves and turning love into action. It’s about recognising that everybody needs somebody, and that taking things one day at a time can lead to some pretty amazing transformations. 

We’re given glimpses into the daily life of the project, —how children are embraced into the fold, shedding their past traumas for new lives. The essential theme is the transformative power of love and community, where every child’s life is a testament to the possibility of change one day at a time.

For anyone looking to get inspired or make a change, this is your call to action—take it one day, one step of faith, one act of kindness at a time.


00:00 Welcome: A Journey in Lesotho

02:43 The Genesis of a Mission: From Personal Callings to Community Transformation

21:18 Building a Church and Changing Lives: The Story of Mafa and Beyond

30:49 The Journey Begins: From Tents to Churches

31:14 Building a Community: Responding to the Work of God

37:42 Reflections and Future Aspirations: One Day at a Time

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